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Terms and Conditions

The Parties agree to retain the services of Ryal Sormaz (the Photographer) according to the following terms and conditions (the Contract).


1.1 The Photographer providing the services under this Contract is Ryal Sormaz.

1.2 The Photographer agrees to provide wedding photography services at the agreed time and place/s.


2.1 The Photographer agrees to provide the Couple with the Services, as set out in the Package Inclusions on the invoice attached to this Contract.

2.2 The Couple agrees to reimburse the Photographer should the coverage exceed the agreed number of hours prior to the wedding day. Each additional hour will incur a $700 fee, unless otherwise discussed.


3.1 The total price for the Photographer’s services and booking fee will be indicated on an invoice provided to you, by the Photographer.

3.2 The total price may include travel costs as agreed between the Photographer and the Couple. These costs will be stated on the issued invoice.

3.3 Where more than one party has entered into the Contract, the Couple will be jointly and severally liable for all payments owing to the Photographer.

3.4 Any variation to the services, requested by the Couple, will be added to the total price and will be shown as variations on the issued invoice.


4.1 A Booking Fee to the amount of 10% of the total price is due within seven (7) days of the invoice issue date, in order to secure the services of the Photographer.

4.2 The Booking Fee is non-refundable, unless the Contract is cancelled by the Photographer under clause 9.3.

4.3 The balance of the total price (including for any variations) shall be paid no later than one (1) month before the agreed wedding date. If the remaining balance is not received within this time, the Photographer may cancel the Contract, with written notice to the Couple, and retain the booking fee and any other monies paid.

4.5 The Photographer is under no obligation to perform the services, until the total price is received from the Couple.


5.1 The Couple agrees that the Photographer shall be the sole professional Photographer at the event. The Couple acknowledges that the presence of other photographers will be a breach of this Contract and may adversely impact the Photographer’s ability to provide the services to their usual standard.


6.1 The Couple acknowledge and agree that the Photographer cannot be held responsible for any specific image that may not be delivered.

6.2 The Couple acknowledges and understands that the Photographer uses a highly stylised approach to photography and videography with few pre-arranged or posed shots. Any failure to deliver any specific content shall not be a breach of this Contract and shall not result in any refund of money paid by the Couple to the Photographer, or any other remedy provided to the Couple.


7.1 If the Couple wishes to make changes to the services, they will provide written instructions to the Photographer as soon as possible. The Photographer will make reasonable attempts to implement the change/s.

7.2 If the Couple chooses to change the date of the wedding, at any time, for any reason whatsoever, they will be subject to any price increases relative to the time at which the date is changed.

7.3 If the Couple chooses to change the agreed date, time or location of the wedding, for any reason whatsoever, and this conflicts with the Photographer’s prior commitments, the Photographer will inform the Couple within seven (7) days of receiving the request for change, that they cannot provide the services, as requested. In these circumstances, the Photographer will be entitled to cancel the Contract and retain the booking fee.

7.4 If the Contract is cancelled in accordance with clause 7.3, less than one (1) month before the original agreed ceremony date, the Couple will be liable to pay the Photographer an amount up to 75% of the total price, at the discretion of the Photographer.

7.5 If any of the agreed location/s for the Photographer’s services is to be changed for any reason whatsoever (including for poor weather) on the day of the wedding, then the Couple must notify the Photographer, no less than three (3) hours prior to the Photographer’s arrival at the first location, to ensure that the Photographer will be able to travel to the alternative location. The Photographer will not be held responsible for any delays in the wedding proceedings, due to such change. The Couple agrees and acknowledges that if any of the agreed location/s change, the Photographer may review and adjust the cost of the services accordingly.


8.1 If there are any costs or fees associated with the location the Couple has chosen for part or all of the Photographer’s services, the Couple will be responsible for those fees.

8.2 If there are any permits required for the location the Couple has chosen for part or all of the Photographer’s services, the Couple will be responsible for applying for and securing those permits.


9.1 If the Couple choose to cancel the Contract they will need to provide written notice to the Photographer and will forfeit their booking fee.

9.2 If the Couple choose to cancel the Contract, for any reason whatsoever, less than one (1) month before the wedding date, the Couple will be liable to pay the Photographer an amount equal to 75% of the total price, at the discretion of the Photographer.

9.3 The Photographer may cancel the Contract at any time by giving written notice to the Couple. If the Photographer cancels the Contract for reasons other than those stated at clauses 4.3 or 7.3, then all monies paid will be refunded to the Couple. The Photographer will not be liable for any loss or damage, including any consequential loss or damage, arising from such cancellation.


10.1 The Couple and their guests agree to follow any directions issued by the Photographer on the wedding day at their own risk. The Photographer is not liable for any personal injury or property damage that may occur.

10.2 In the case of unexpected circumstances, the Photographer will make all reasonable efforts and incur the reasonable costs for alternative travel arrangements, in order to attend the agreed locations. However, if the Photographer is unable to provide the services on the agreed day due to an emergency, the Photographer will notify the Couple as soon as reasonably practicable and attempt to arrange an alternative photographer of equal or higher standard. If an alternative photographer is not available, the Photographer will refund all amounts paid to the Photographer, to the Couple. The Photographer will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from this cancellation.

11.1 The Couple acknowledges that, although all equipment is checked regularly and reasonable steps are taken to ensure backup equipment is available, that the Photographer will not be held responsible for any photography or videography content that is unable to be captured or delivered to technical failure. This includes, but is not limited to: the effect of the weather or unknown environmental conditions, damage or theft incurred to any equipment owned or used by the Photographer, or damage or loss of digital files in transit or during post production where the Photographer has upheld responsible preventative measures.


12.1 The Couple consents for any photos and/or video footage taken on the day of the wedding to be used by the Photographer for promotional purposes (including on the Photographer’s website or social media accounts), unless otherwise discussed between the Couple and the Photographer prior to the wedding date.

12.2 The Couple consents for any written feedback (including via email, message, social media or online reviews) to be used by the Photographer for promotional purposes (including on the Photographer’s website or social media accounts), unless otherwise discussed between the Couple and the Photographer prior to providing the feedback.


13.1 This Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the State of Victoria.